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Broadband Workshop

Crested Butte
January 29-30, 2023


Regional Planning for Colorado Communities

Welcome to the Region 10 Broadband Workshop!

You’re invited! This is a wonderful opportunity to join in intimate, exclusive conversations with some of the most high-caliber individuals in the region’s broadband industry. From established leaders to regional partners, our speakers and panelists are actively changing the map of broadband infrastructure around the state.

Decision-makers and problem solvers as well as corporate, private, government, funding, and research partners will be sparking conversations about the opportunities available in regional and rural development. We will be highlighting partnerships on the Western Slope of Colorado—and asking questions about what is next!

  • Learn from people who are actively involved in expanding partnerships
  • Bring together regional stakeholders, funders, and developers
  • Share both pragmatic concepts and visionary leadership ideals 

Finally, we will offer plenty of networking opportunities—through receptions, question & answer sessions and panels—to help you tap into the how broadband infrastructure is shaping up around the state and in our rural regions.


The workshop will kick off with a reception at Crested Butte Center for the arts on Sunday evening, followed by an exciting day of programming on Monday. Please consider coming in early that weekend to see what all Crested Butte and Gunnison have to offer!

Sunday January 29, 2023

5:00 pm | Welcome Reception

Crested Butte Center for the Arts

606 6th Avenue, Crested Butte 81224

Join the Welcome Reception at Crested Butte Center for the Arts Sunday evening.

7:00 pm | Networking Dinner


130 Elk Avenue, Crested Butte, CO

Join us for a networking dinner at Crested Butte’s Favorite Mexican Restaurant

Walk down historic Elk Avenue and pull up a chair at Bonez Tequila Bar & Grill for our Networking Dinner.   We’ve reserved the back room and there are some great food specials!

Monday January 30, 2023

8:00 am | Arrival & Check-In

Crested Butte Center for the Arts

606 6th Avenue, Crested Butte 81224

8:30 am | Workshop Overview & Introduction

Laura Pucket-Danniels

Gunnison County Commissioner

Laura will be welcoming us all to Crested Butte and the Broadband Workshop!

Phil Weiser
Colorado Attorney General

Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser was sworn in as the State’s 39th Attorney General on January 8, 2019. As the state’s chief legal officer, Attorney General Weiser is committed to protecting the people of Colorado and building an innovative and collaborative organization that will address a range of statewide challenges, from addressing the opioid epidemic to improving our criminal justice system to protecting consumers to protecting our land, air, and water.

He will be sharing his unique perspective on the state of broadband in Colorado and the generational opportunities ahead.

9:00 am | Regional Planning in Action

You’ll learn Regional Planning Strategies that can be put to work immediately.  Region 9, Region 10, Garfield County, Southern Ute Indian Tribe, and Northwest Colorado Council of Governmenets will share real-world examples of successful broadband projects underway today.

10:00 am | Partnering with Internet Service Providers

Executive leadership from Elevate, Visionary, ClearNetworx, VERO and Jade will share ways to partner effectively with Internet service providers.  You’ll learn how to reduce barriers of entry and speed deployment of broadband in your community.

11:00 am | Connecting the Regions

Region 9, Region 10 and Garfield County will share a plan for connecting Colorado regions, preparing communities for last-mile investment and accessing critical sources of Internet content.

11:30 am | Broadband in Research & Education

Learn about the Front Range GigaPOP’s BISON-West project that aims to extend Internet2 services to all four western Universities and the greater Colorado educational system.

12:00 am | Working Lunch with MountainConnect Update

While you are enjoying some Secret Stash Pizza we’ll be getting an update on the Mountain Connect conference with Jeffrey Gavlinski.


Secret Stash

Thank you to Secret Stash for providing us with their gourmet pizzas with unique toppings for lunch!

1:00 pm | Regional Project Priorities, Q&A

Regional Project Priorities

Regional broadband leaders will share their own priority projects.  They’ll share key concepts, next steps and opportunities for you to get involved.  You’ll hear from SCEDD, NWCCOG, Garfield County, Region 9, Region 10, Southern Ute Indian Tribe and the San Luis Valley BCO and others.


2:00 pm | Enhancing Mobile Coverage

This session will feature Commnet Broadband presenting a unique solution for extending mobile cellular wireless and AT&T FirstNet services to fill in coverage gaps.

2:30 pm | Improving E911 Reliability

The Colorado Public Utilities Commission’s State 911 Program Manager will share strategies to enhance E911 and first responder services.  The session will include updates on rule making and legislation aimed at improving reliability.

3:00 pm | EIAF Middle-Mile Broadband Grants

Learn how to work with DOLA regional managers to access in-state Broadband funding for middle-mile planning, fiber and CNL projects.  This session leverages Energy/Mineral Impact Assistance Fund grant opportunities and the broadband set-aside.

3:30 pm | ADVANCE Colorado Broadband Grants

The Colorado Broadband Office team (part of the Governor’s Office of Information Technology) will provide updates on the ADVANCE Colorado Broadband Grant Program.  This  includes the $171 million Capital Projects Fund authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).  This program is administered by the U.S. Treasury Department.

4:00 pm | NTIA Presents BEAD Update, Q&A

Of course, we save the best for last!  Broadband Specialist Sarah Bleau with the Department of Commerce’s NTIA will share the latest learnings and progress around the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment(BEAD) program funded through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act(IIJA).  You’ll learn how this once-in-a-generation opportunity will benefit Colorado communities, timelines for funding and eligible uses.  There will be time for Q&A.   (Please note this workshop will not address NTIA’s $1 billion Enabling Middle Mile program, as that competitive grant program is currently underway.

Once You Are Here

Above Sea Level
The Town of Crested Butte, our event venue, lodging and restaurants are situated at 8909’ above sea level.  Grand Lodge and Lodge and Mountaineer Square hotels are at 9375’ at the base of the ski area.  If you experience any signs of altitude sickness please seek help immediately or call 911.  Stay hydrated.

Snow this Season
It’s winter in Crested Butte.  Our snowbank lined Elk Avenue is on full display having received 146” of snow this season.  Daytime highs are typically in the mid 20’s Fahrenheit with sunshine and occasional flurries.  Please dress accordingly.  Shoes or boots with good treads are advised.  Dress here is casual.


Shuttle Makes a Loop
Park downtown at your own risk, please obey all posted parking regulations.  Our parking paparazzi are legendary.  Crested Butte Center for the Arts has very limited parking.  The Town Shuttle (The Mountain Express) picks you up from your hotel and takes you to downtown Crested Butte.  The Town Shuttle runs every 15min from 7:10am till midnight, view the map here!


Local Restaurants
Bonez dinner on Sunday night is an individual bill per guest.  For breakfast your hotel may offer some or you can head over to Elk Avenue and indulge at one of 20+ local restaurants and coffee shops.  Monday’s lunch from Secret Stash is provided courtesy of Region 10.

Trails Open
Vail Resorts EPIC ski passes are valid at Crested Butte Mountain Resort.  Come early or stay late and enjoy champaign powder conditions.  From mild to wild we’ve got it all.









If you are booking at Vail Resorts guest will receive 10% off the best available rates for their rooms.

To book: please call 1(855)332-1601 or book here.

Provide our group code: SCBRTL23