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The Colorado Enterprise Zone (EZ) offers state income tax credits that incentivize businesses to develop and expand, as well as retain and create jobs.

Incentives are an economic development tool that help ensure the vitality of an area or region. These incentives exist to spark and reward the growth and expansion of local businesses. Most of the incentives are in the form of tax credits, however, some include cash awards for specific functional areas within a business. EZ tax credits are available to registered for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Region 10 is the designated administrator for EZ tax credits for Delta, Montrose, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Ouray, and San Miguel counties.

Enterprise Zone Tax Credits

The Colorado Enterprise Zone (EZ) offers state income tax credits that incentivize businesses to develop and expand, as well as retain and create jobs. EZ tax credits are available to registered for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. Region 10 is the designated administrator for EZ tax credits for Delta, Montrose, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Ouray, and San Miguel counties. Incentives are available to businesses located in designated Enterprise Zones, providing tax credits for certain types of business activities.

Meet Karen Tuttle

Enterprise Zone Administrator
(970) 765-3128

Nancy is a forward-thinking business executive with a proven track record of creating industry trends and strategies that have impacted the expansion and profitability of global luxury/lifestyle brands including BMW, Benetton, and the Olympics. Since 2003, she has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and small businesses around the world to successfully launch products and services, expand markets, and increase profitability. She has a passion for all things business, and it’s contagious!