Documents & Resources for Professionals
ADRC Referral Form
Need to refer someone to the ADRC for help & resources? Fill out the form linked below.
Older Americans Act (OAA) Programs
The purpose of the Older Americans Act (OAA) is to encourage and assist state agencies and Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) to concentrate resources in order to develop greater capacity and foster the development and implementation of comprehensive and coordinated systems to serve older adults.
AAA Policy & Procedures
Regulations pertaining to the operation of the Area Agencies on Aging can be found in the Policy & Procedures Manual below.
Gunnison Senior Resource Council
The Senior Resources Office provides specially trained case managers to help connect you to the right resources to meet your needs.
(970) 641-7984 or (970) 642-4664
225 N. Pine Street
Gunnison, CO 81230
Options Counselors by County
All Points Transit
Home Delivered Meals
(Delta, Montrose, San Miguel)
Senior CommUnity Meals
Grab & Go and Home Delivered Meals
Shepherd’s Hand