“A brownfield property offers enormous opportunity for the community, and many places are missing out on these hidden gems.”
On how Brownfields can benefit economic development
On how Brownfields can benefit economic development
Welcome to the Colorado Brownfields Workshop hosted by Region 10 and the Colorado Brownfields Partnership!
Region 10 has partnered with Colorado Brownfields Partnership to bring our communities this unique opportunity to learn the ins-&-outs of Brownfields Projects. Learn from experts in the industry about what brownfields are and how communities can utilize them to evaluate the unknown environmental conditions of underutilized properties and to formulate a plan for their cleanup, if necessary, and redevelopment. Reducing environmental threats to the public’s health and welfare is a priority of the brownsfields.
Who should attend?
The workshop provides the fundamentals on what a brownfield is, State and Federal resources available to assist communities to identify, assess, plan, clean up, and revitalize brownfield sites. Additionally, you will learn about hands-on coaching, support and planning assistance available free to communities to support brownfields projects.
The workshop will kick off with a zoom webinar on Friday January 27th for attendees that want an introduction to brownfields, followed by an exciting day of in-person programming on Friday, February 24th.
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83424041090 Meeting ID: 834 2404 1090 One tap mobile+17193594580,,83424041090# US+12532050468,,83424041090# US
Over lunch, learn from other regional towns about what they’ve accomplished and which tools & resources they tapped into
Community representatives will break out into small groups for a hands-on work session to explore needs, opportunities and priorities for moving forward with specific Brownfield project site(s). Each group will be paired with a brownfields professional to assist in tailoring a local approach and identifying priority next steps.
Each group briefly describes the sites and resources they will prioritize