Who we are
Area Agencies on Aging are national organizations funded through federal and state dollars and authorized under the Older Americans Act. We serve people 60+ and their caregivers in the six counties of Montrose, Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Ouray, and San Miguel. All services are provided on a donation basis.
What we do
We provide services and connect the communities we serve with support and resources that promote aging with independence and dignity. Services are provided by contracted agencies and through vendor agreements with organizations that are vetted by Region 10’s Area Agency on Aging.
Aging and Disability Resources of Colorado (ADRC)
The Aging and Disability Resources for Colorado (ADRC) helps consumers make educated decisions about available resources and assists with planning that promotes independence and quality of life. ADRC is an area partnership of over 40 organizations designed to provide easy access to supports and services for disabled adults 60 years and older. Counselors are available throughout Region 10’s six-county service area.
Services include:
Long-Term Care Advocates
Region 10’s Long Term Care Ombudsman (Senior Advocates) work to resolve problems individual residents of care centers face. They are trained advocates who protect and promote the rights and quality of live for people who reside in nursing homes, assisted living residences, and similar licenses long-term care facilities. These advocates effect change at the local, state, and national levels to improve the quality of care.
In addition to investigating and resolving complaints, their responsibilities include:
RSVP – Retired Senior Volunteer Program
Are you interested in serving your community in a way that suits your schedule, skills, and interests? Serve as an AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer in our RSVP program. The AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP program pairs thousands of Americans aged 55 and older with organizations making change in communities across the country. AmeriCorps Seniors volunteers who serve in our RSVP program choose how where and when they want to serve with commitments ranging from a few hours to 40 hours per week.
Services Like:
Senior Companion Program
Senior Companions assist adults 60 and older who may be homebound, frail, socially isolated, or in need of some friendly support. Our Senior Companions are active adults, 55 and over, who are paired with clients in need of support. Companions also provide respite for caregivers. Companions serve on a scheduled basis of 3-30 hours per week and may qualify for an hourly stipend, mileage reimbursement, paid time off, and accident and liability insurance.
Region 10’s Caregiver Support Program provides caregiver education, respite care, and connections to area support groups. Family members 55+, with primary custody of children under age 18, may qualify for grandparent support programs.
Services include:
Services include:
Legal Aid
Civil legal assistance and referrals to senior (60+) residents
Simple wills, advance directives, landlord disputes, and non-criminal issues.
Colorado Legal Services
Grand Junction (Delta, Garfield, Montrose)
422 White Avenue, Suite 300, Grand Junction 81501
Durango (Hinsdale, Ouray, San Miguel)
835 East 2nd Avenue, #300, Durango 81301
970-247-0266 or 1-888-298-8483
Office hours: 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., Exceptions: closed temporarily when all staff are in court or meetings.
Vision, Dental, Hearing & Home Modifications
We don’t pay for exams but we may be able to help you with the cost of devices like hearing aids or glasses. We have some amazing resources.
Services Like:
Elder Abuse Resources
We assist with elder abuse prevention through educational events, community outreach, and help for individuals. Legal aid is also a service provided to assist older adults. Please contact us for referrals.
Services Include: