What’s a Regional Grants Navigator?
Regional Grant Navigators (RGN) have been funded by the Governor’s Office to work out of Councils of Government across the state. Our role is to research and develop a thorough understanding of the grant funding opportunities in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA or “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law”), and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and to assist our member local governments, municipalities, counties, and special districts in accessing funding from these acts. The State of Colorado through the Governor’s office and OEDIT has allocated funds through SB22-15 to fund the RGN position and a cohort of parallel positions at each of the regions represented by Councils of Government across the state; there are a total of 14 RGNs throughout the state. Funding for the position is allocated annually by the legislature to OEDIT and may continue for up to 5 years.
Our RGNs can provide techical assistance to our communities in the 6 county region of Delta, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Ouray, and San Miguel, this includes any munincipalty or special district within the region. If you are a community in another region of Colorado looking to engage with your RGN, please use the contact information to find one of the other RGNs. To learn more about the program, please contact Alyssa Dinberg at alyssa.dinberg@state.co.us.
Meet Our Team of Champions and Conveners
Your catalysts, connectors, cheerleaders, co-creators, and changemakers for the journey

Patty Gabriel
Regional Grants Navigator